Life gives you some reasons at times to refine yourself…change yourself a bit for the better… Life has given me one such reason to refine the person in me…to let go of all those excess baggage that I have been carrying all this while… It just is a wonderful feeling when you feel that you have lost all that you have one second and after a while you get it all back.. Whatever you have lost all this while.. it is just a fab feeling..
I listen to very few English songs. Can very well say that my knowledge about all those genres of Western music is close to zero.. but yes this one song by Hoobastank has always hit me hard.. ‘The Reason’ is an amazingly brilliant track.. and the the soul stirring lyrics just stands out. It rightly captures the ‘looking back’ that each one of us do at times..where we gauge ourselves and take those steps to bring in that much required change in us ..
We all wait for that one reason to start it all over again.. and when it comes will just know it for yourself.. Sometimes you just feel like a stranger to your own mind. You fail to understand your own actions and words.. I have always felt that it the most saddest part of loneliness when you don’t understand yourself… but when the right time get that much needed push where you will be brought back on track and will start living your life with zest..when you start living that ‘someday’ you always have been waiting for..
Everyone has their own imperfections..but it is those small little things which make you what you are..we learn and unlearn a lot of things every day.. It is never too late to start afresh is true that every new beginning starts from some other beginning’s end. But changes are always good..changes for betterment.. never say NO to them.. Never hesitate to say sorry and get it all sorted.. at the end of the day..we are all here for each other.. there is no existence all by oneself…not for long.. it is very true that we all need three things in life…something to do..something to look forward to and someone to love.. I agree totally.. If there is a reason to love..there is a reason for life beyond that as well..
Let’s make that difference today..don’t make thousand reasons to say why you cannot do something…try and get one reason why you can do something about it.. let’s not wait till tomorrow to say or show that you say that ‘yes you have made a difference’ I just wish all the wonderful people out there find their ‘reason’ today… stay blessed!
PS: This post dedicated to my ‘Reason’..for bringing sunshine back into my life.. for being my safest corner in this unforgiving world.. thanks a zillion.. you are the BEST :)
“A cloud does not know why it moves in just such a direction and at such a speed...It feels an impulsion...this is the place to go now. But the sky knows the reasons and the patterns behind all clouds, and you will know it too, when you lift yourself high enough to see beyond horizons.”